Comic Style Data Visualization of IMDb Indonesian Movies
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is one of the most popular and comprehensive sources of information on movies, TV shows, and other forms of visual entertainment. It contains a vast amount of data on various aspects of the entertainment industry, such as cast and crew information, release dates, ratings, reviews, and much more. In this document, we will analyze IMDb data and the insights that can be derived from them and answer the below questions:
- Which genre of film is always the most popular every year of (2000–2020)?
- What is the highest user's rating every year of (2000–2020)?
- How are the impact of different actors and directors to the popularity?
Indonesian movies dataset is downloaded from kaggle. It contains 1,272 movies available in IMDb as of 1926. Let’s start to analyze it!
We need to filter the data from 2000, we only need to start from this year since at least in the 2000s, Indonesian films experienced another growth, and it has been relatively sustainable to this day. Throughout the last two decades, this industry has been lively with film products that are very lively and exhilarating.
Part I: Which genre of film is always the most popular every year of (2000–2020)?
Find the Most Popular Genre from Year 2000–2020
So, which genre will be the most? The below pie chart visualize most popular genre over year by year. See how it is cool with that style 🥳! Percentage and genre are written smoothly and differentiate the color for slice of pie to make it ease to see.
Drama is the most popular genre through all years, makes sense? Some title movies such as : Pasir Berbisik (2001), Ca Bau Kan (2002), Anak Garuda (2020), Si Doel the Movie 3 (2020) etc. are Drama genre.
Find the Most Popular Genre Each Year
Now try to get the most popular genre each year, by visualizing it in a timeline style.
Beautiful! The genre and year are plotted and tied to the timeline perfectly.
Part II: What is the highest user’s rating every year of (2000–2020)?
So, how about which gender would be the maximum’s user’s rating?
As we can see in the above image, genre of maximum user’s rating are DRAMA, means Indonesia people love DRAMA at the most :D
Part III: How are the impact of different actors and directors to the popularity?
Find the Top Actors
Let’s take another data breakdown to check how is the impact of different actors and directors on the popularity. First step to get the top actors, and find the relationship between most popular genres we have found above and actors who play in those popular genres.
Do you see your favorite actors 😉?
Find the Most Popular Genre and Actors
Now, second step, find the relationship between most popular genre and actors.
Drama has the most top actors play in the movie, it is about 40% top actors play in the Drama genre, followed by Comedy (25.3%) and Horror (13.6%).
Find The Top Directors and How is The Impact to The Most Popular Genres
Last step, get the top directors and see how is the impact to the most popular genres. We count how many movies for each director involved in it and sort the 100 highest number.
Continue to breakdown it …
Wawwww, Drama still becomes the most top directors in the movie, it is about 38.1% top directors in the Drama genre, followed by Comedy (24.4%) and Horror (20.6%).
If you want to try the code, it is available here. Hope it helps those of you who are looking for references to visualize data using the mathlib comic style.